Entry #4:Wisteria

This is a wisteria tree located in Ashikaga, Japan. I like the color present in the shot. As the light filters down through the flowers, it picks up some of their magenta tones. You can see this on the trunk and branches of the tree. The flowers also create this very soft distribution that smooths out the composition.

Entry #3: Snowy Graveyard

I took this with my cellphone last year at a graveyard near my house. I really like the mood in the shot. The ice and snow makes for very stark contrast with the dark grays of the stones. The light from the overcast sky really helps create this feeling of desolation or emptiness.

Entry #2: Lampposts

This was a photo I took on an early foggy morning outside McAdams Hall in Clemson. By themselves, the lampposts have a soft distribution, and the fog only enhances this effect. I think this distribution, along with the dark borders, helps create a sense of closeness. Even though the shot is very deep, the light from the lampposts pulls everything downward.